
Be aware, you have just entered a turtle tyfoon of information! This web site is here to inform you about each type of sea turtle we share our planet with, why they are so endangered and how we can help conserve their existance.

Many people don't know or understand the danger that sea turtles, all over the world, face. They are a really beautiful aspect of our society and we should try to help in keeping them safe.

This web site was created when we experienced the presence of sea turtles in our own community. Living in Charleston, SC, or anywhere on the beach, you have to be aware of sea turtles, because you may not realize or know that they are there. Our local aquarium has a sea turtle hospital where they help sick or hurt turtles, rehabilitate them, and then release them. Watching a sea turtle release is an amazing experience and will change anyones outlook on these amazing creatures.

This web site consists of a little bit of information about the different types of sea turtles in the world. We also tell how you can help conserve turltes in your communtity. There are different ways you can volunteer to help turtles, if you are interested. Explore the website, and let us know what you think on our survey page.

Types of Sea Turtles


(Caretta Caretta)

Loggerhead Turtle
Leatherback Sea Turtle


(Dermochelys Coriacea)

Kemp's Ridley

(Lepidochelys Kempii)


Olive Ridley

(Lepidochelys Olivaceaf)


(Eretmochelys Imbricate)



(Chelonian Mydas)


(Natator Depressus)
